Will Your Accountant or Tax Advisor Be Discussing Tax Reduction Strategies With You This Tax Season? If Not! Maybe You Have The Wrong Accountant Or Tax Advisor!
At my firm The Tax Reduction Network, tax season has begun with a flood of new business clients and individuals, all looking to reduce their income taxes. This is the result of the huge success [...]
Are Your Frustrated With The Amount of Income Taxes You Pay Each Year? Do You Need a Better Way To Reduce Your Taxes? Are You Even Aware of Legal Tax Reduction Strategies?
Philadelphia, Pa.- Robert was just plain angry. “I can’t believe I’m getting nailed this bad. I seem to be supporting the 17 trillion dollar national debt all by myself!” Once again, he had to write [...]
2015 Tax Outlook: More Gridlock & Partisanship
2015 Tax Outlook: More Gridlock & Partisanship ( tax reduction strategies will be even more critical to reduce your income taxes) You may remember that 2013 was a big year for taxes. Congress passed legislation [...]
This Year, Put the IRS (and tax reduction strategies) in Your New Year’s Resolutions!
This Year, Put the IRS (and tax reduction strategies) in Your New Year’s Resolutions! January 1 is almost here, and for millions of Americans, that means resolving to lose weight, quit smoking, drink less, volunteer [...]
How To The Reduce or Eliminate The Tax Consequences of a Required Minimum Distribution or RMD?
How To The Reduce or Eliminate The Tax Consequences of a Required Minimum Distribution or RMD? Barbara Davis, needed personal tax advice. She is 75, and has an annual income from social security, a pension [...]
How Can You Convert an IRA to a Roth IRA and Eliminate or Reduce The Tax Consequences?
How Can You Convert an IRA to a Roth IRA and Eliminate or Reduce The Tax Consequences? Mike & Mary Biden, ages 75 and 73, needed personal tax advice. They currently have over $400,000 in [...]
IRS Reveals How High Income Earners Pay No Tax!
IRS Reveals How “High Income Earners Pay No Tax” The IRS “Statictics of Income” division has just released the Spring SOI Bulletin. While we don’t expect it to challenge the latest Tom Clancy thriller on [...]
What is year-end tax planning? or How do I reduce taxable income?
As the end of the tax year approaches, you can probably get a rough idea of how much you'll owe in taxes. To lower your tax bite, it is wise to take certain steps at [...]
Eliminating Taxation of Social Security Income
Do you need personal tax advice? In the example below this client is eliminating the taxation of their social security income. If your social security income is being taxed, there are 100% legal ways to [...]
Three Advantages of Incorporation
Incorporation is the next step in the evolution of your business. The laws for incorporation vary from state to state, but incorporating is definitely something to consider to provide protections for you and your business. [...]