Philadelphia, Pa.- Robert was just plain angry. “I can’t believe I’m getting nailed this bad. I seem to be supporting the 17 trillion dollar national debt all by myself!” Once again, he had to write a big check with his tax return. Once again he had been told by his accountant that, “There is nothing you can do about it. Somehow Robert knew his accountant was working for the IRS. “He must be. Why else would he be so satisfied to roll-over and play dead for the government.” “I need personal tax advice”, he thought to himself “My accountant has never mentioned any tax reduction strategies that I could use!”
As Robert finished writing his check to the IRS, he was staring at his laptop and was reading a news feed when he saw the headline, “State of the Union Address Declares Tax War on Business Owners and Individuals! President Obama Prepares New Income Tax Package To Send To Congress! Business-Owners and Individuals Are in Washington’s Crosshairs!”
Robert’s blood pressure spiked! The article ended by saying while new taxes were inevitable, there were just as many new tax reduction strategies in the proposed legislation. And that most small businesses & individuals never use even a small percentage of the secrets the IRS preferred people didn’t know. “If business-owners and individuals knew how many ways there are to reduce your taxes, they wouldn’t be complaining so loudly!”, the article ended.
Robert had enough. “I’m going to learn how to fight back legally!” He knew that starting tomorrow, he was going to stop complaining and take action. He was going to learn, “The Top Ten Tax Mistakes Individuals and Business-Owners Make”, by getting a free report at You too, should learn all the tax reduction strategies that are available that your current accountant or tax advisor is not telling you about, and congress hopes you never learn!
PS: has just made available a new report titled: Tax Benefits of Home Ownership! Its free when you sign up for the 2 minute tax reduction video newsletter.